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Kino Heartkinetics

A mobile application that monitors heart vibrations and intercepts heart failure

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  • Senior Backend Developer (Freelance)

About this project

Kino is a mobile app designed to act as an intelligent stethoscope, recording and monitoring heart vibrations. We collaborated closely with doctors and patients with cardiac conditions to create an application that utilizes the accelerometer and gyroscope components available on both iOS and Android devices. This enables us to capture and analyze patient data, presenting it to doctors in an easy-to-understand graph format.

In my role within the project, I was responsible for the backend infrastructure. This involved addressing challenges related to secure and private data transfer and storage (authentified webhooks, encryption etc). I also worked on converting binary data into readable JSON format for the frontend. Additionally, I contributed to the development from scratch of the Heartkinetics API, as well as handling general infrastructure tasks such as maintenance, security, and certain aspects of scaling.

During the initial months of the medical study, Kino has shown promising results. I highly recommend visiting their website to witness the progress they have achieved. It has been truly inspiring to collaborate with individuals who are deeply passionate about making a meaningful impact in the field of medicine.